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Deeper Journey at Sandy Cove

April 6, 2025 12:00am

Deeper Journey: Cultivating an Awareness of the Presence of Christ

Transformation happens from the inside out. This is one of our core values at Providence and we want to continue to cultivate a rhythm of deeper connection with Christ, leading to deep transformation. 

Because of this we have partnered with Brett and Susan Payne, Directors at Rhythms for Life, to bring Deeper Journey to Providence. 

Attend the Retreat | Register here

Deeper Journey is a two-year, eight-retreat experience held at Sandy Cove Christian Conference & Retreat Center located on the headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay in North East, Maryland. It provides a comprehensive spiritual formation experience in light of the unique challenges of life. The quarterly retreats offer an integrated approach of biblical theology and Christian psychology within a worshiping community. The experience includes worship, teaching, small groups, and personal time. Each retreat highlights at least one spiritual discipline and provides space for the engagement of the discipline.

Deeper Journey is designed for those who are serious about nurturing and protecting their souls. If this is what you desire and can give a day and a half every three months, we invite you to let us know of your interest in the next Deeper Journey community!

Dates + Retreats Content + Cost

*All Retreats start 2pm on Sunday and go until 5pm on Monday. 

Once you register and pay the one time $100 registration fee, you will receive an additional form to complete. On this form, you will select a Double or Single room and will be able to list your roommate. 

One time $100 registration fee due at time of registration

Double Room: $2400 (per person)
Payment Options: One payment due prior to March 7th, 2025 or 12 monthly payments of $200 (starting on 3/7/25)                                                  

Single Room: $3000
Payment Options: One payment due prior to March 7th, 2025 or 12 monthly payments of $250 (starting on 3/7/25)

Deeper Journey Dates:

2025: April 6-7, June 8-9, October 12-13

2026: January 18-19, March 29-30, June 7-8, October 11-12

2027: January 17-18

Click here for more details on Deeper Journey

*All registration is final - no refunds can be given for cancellations or missed dates.

Retreat Leaders

Brett & Susan Payne


When I realized my home life was as busy as my work life, it was so hard to find a way to peel off and commune with God for any length of time. “Deeper Journey” gave me a consistent checkpoint for my own sanity and for the “soul check” I needed. At the end of the first retreat I was shocked by the deep rest that I had experienced in an overnight retreat. The pace and atmosphere that the Paynes set was a huge part of allowing me to disconnect and truly retreat. The teaching was thought provoking and the discourse excellent in evaluating my posture before God. The space for communion with my God brought about an openness to be used even more fully for His purposes which would have likely been missed had I not been a part of “Deeper Journey”. Thank you for sharing your gifts and passions. I have been blessed.

— Andrew Smalley (Christian Educator)

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