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Incarnation in the Mundane

Series: The Weary World Rejoices: Advent 2019


Nathanael Manthey

As darkness threatens to overwhelm
Our lives within this fallen realm
We are desperate for a dawning light
To drive away the encroaching night
An incarnation in the mundane
To join us in our broken pain
Marred and cracked, tossed about
That is how the light gets out

In the sorrow of life’s darkness
Our Savior joins our brokenness
His light is revealing
He is hope, He is healing,
He will remain
In our mundane
A blaze of hope within our doubt
This is how the light gets out 

Though wandering, often losing our way
We have this treasure in jars of clay, 
The treasure of God incarnate
Light we cannot fabricate
In the sacred and profane
Incarnation in the mundane
Broken and marred from the bout
This is how the light gets out

So do not lose hope or despair
Though damaged from our warfare
Our cracked and broken façade
Reveals the incarnate God
Whose kingdom’s rule and reign
Reveals the incarnation in the mundane
Hope and healing in the drought
This is how the light gets out

Discussion Questions:

How can we awake to the light of the incarnation in the everyday tasks which we face as the lights and carols fade and we move into the darkest time of the year? Can we still find joy and hope?

Read 2 Cor. 4:4-11. What treasures do we have according to Paul?

How does your own brokenness shine light into the broken world? How do you view the brokenness in your own life? Are you aware of it?

Read John 16:33, Ephesians 2. How do these scriptures describe our position in Christ? How is our position in Christ different than our condition in this world?

Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5 that we have been reconciled to be Christ’s ambassadors to call others to reconciliation. How do you represent Christ to the people around you? Is there anyone in your life that needs to be reconciled to Christ?

Are people asking you of the hope within you?
Is there something unique and different? Is the light shining through your brokenness? What are some practical ways you can incorporate more stillness into your life?


Bible Recap Reading Plan Bible Recap Podcast

Speaker: Nathanael Manthey

December 29, 2019
2 Corinthians 4:4-11'>2 Corinthians 4:4-11

Nathanael Manthey

Care and Connections Director

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